Letters to the Editor
Request for Commissioner Ken Russell
Michael Feuling
I live at 900 Biscayne Blvd. For the past 3 years, we have had to deal with 10th St., between Biscayne Blvd and 2nd Ave., turning into a one-way street to accommodate the construction at 1000 Museum. With the opening of 1000 Museum in the next 90 days, the residents of 900 Biscayne were enthusiastically looking forward to 10th St. turning back into a two-way street. However, at a building meeting, we learned that it will remain one-way after 1000 Museum opens.
This makes absolutely no sense as the residents’ garage entrance to 900 Biscayne is on 10th St, which means you cannot enter from Biscayne Blvd and must drive around the block, an inconvenience we had to endure for the past 3 years.
Your help in solving this nuisance would be much appreciated.
One More Thing
While I see on social media that you pay attention to other neighborhoods, have you ever consider doing a town hall meeting at one of the Museum Park buildings to discuss our needs?
Michael Feuling is a resident of 900 Biscayne.